The Philippines | Day 5

Today, we left Sophie’s Farm in Northern Samar and journeyed to Cebu. Our morning began at the crack of dawn, 5:30 a.m., and we packed before having breakfast, which was the usual at Sophie’s Farm: rice, pancakes, sausages, and more. After breakfast, we gathered our things and participated in a prayer session with the staff at Sophie’s Farm. Sister Lydia of the RSCJ prayed for the safety of our journey and the journey of the immersion farming students who were also preparing to leave. 

Photos by Dr. Michael Campos, Religion, Theology & Spirituality, Faculty

After saying goodbye to the nuns and students, we drove from Northern Samar to a small airport, where we flew to Cebu. Upon landing, we had lunch at TGI Fridays. They served food that we missed from back home, such as mac and cheese, fries, and steak. After finishing our meal, we took a tour of the largest mango factory in the Philippines, where we saw the process of making a variety of dried fruit treats. We got to try many snacks, including dried mango, guava, coconut, and more. Some students even tried dried durian. Following that, we toured Casa Gorordo, one of the oldest houses in Cebu, a Philippine, Spanish, and Chinese-style home from the 18th century. Many of the homes in Cebu were destroyed during WWII. We also visited Magellan’s Cross, which dates back to the early 16th century and is said to have been planted there by Magellan himself. 

Photos by Dr. Michael Campos, Religion, Theology & Spirituality, Faculty

Before dinner, we toured the Church of Santo Nino, or the Church of the Baby Jesus. The church was huge and very detailed, both inside and outside. Being at the church was very relaxing and calming compared to our previous activities. During our visit, we learned about the dancing prayers that some Filipino women perform. Finally, we had dinner on the beach, and after dinner, we hung out near the beach before going to bed.

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